Existing institutions cannot hope to fill it: the ADB has a capital base ( money both paid-in and pledged by member nations) of just over$ 160 billion and the World Bank has$ 223 billion. 现有机构均无法满足这一需求:亚洲发展银行的资本金额为1600亿美元,世界银行为2230亿美元。
Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Transactions Corporation's earnings are accumulated separately from its paid-in equity capital. 库藏股交易缴入股本股份有限公司的盈利是在其缴入的业主权资本之外单独累积的。
Shares calculation under the capital contribution in installments; Registered capital shall be paid-in capital. 资本分期缴纳下的股权计算&以实缴资本还是认缴资本为依据注册资本为实缴货币资本。
It is part of the invested capital and it will be added to the capital stock in the balance sheet to show the total paid-in capital. 它只是投入资本的一部分,在资产负债表上,它将与股本相加以反映缴入资本总额。
The registered capital shall be paid-in capital. 注册资本应当是实缴资本。
The present Corporation Law has made significant modifications in the perspective of corporation capital system: corporation capital system changed from primary one-off paid-in investment to paid-in investment by instalment, which is the milestone of corporation capital system. 现行公司法对公司资本制度作出了重大修改:从原来的实缴资本制度,改为分期缴纳出资。
The consequence shows that distortion degrees of capital factors and labor force factors have a negative correlation with the proportion that state-owned capital accounts for enterprise paid-in capital individually. 结果表明,资本要素和劳动力要素的扭曲程度均与国有资本所占企业实收资本的比重负相关。